Have a crafty Halloween with these spooktacular colouring in pages that are sure to keep your little ghouls occupied during the holidays. Simply print and colour!
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Monday, October 17, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
How to Grow your Own Massive Pumpkin:
To grow your own big pumpkins, you will need to follow these steps:
- You wil need a piece of ground approximately 20 feet wide x 30 feel long;
- Dig in approximately one and a half tonne of manure;
- Use a good pumpkin see;
- As the plant grows, bury the stem (vine) slightly to encourage roots along the whole length;
- Give a good liquid feed once a week. Try to avoid getting feed on the leaves as it can burn them;
- Don't let the plants dry out or else next time you water them they may split;
- Try to set a pumpkin 10-15 feet out from the planting point;
- When the pumpkin is about a football size, the stem needs to be moved to stop the pumpkin breaking off;
- for extra big pumpkins you will need a tunnel or greenhouse to continue growing them.
Note - Have a look at www.bigpumpkins.com for more info.
Make sure when you've grown your big pumpkin that you bring it to the annual Virginia Pumpkin festival. We'll be there this year selling our balloons and pumpkin goods, so please come and say hello!
www.thepartypeople.ie for all your Halloween needs.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Pumpkin Carving 101:

The following steps provide instructions for making a basic jack-o'lantern, but can be adapted to suit all kinds of pumpkin-carving projects:

- Using a keyhole saw, cut a hole in the top, bottom or side of your pumpkin;
- Scoop out the flesh with a plaster scraper, fleshing tool or just a large metal spoon;
- When you're ready to carve a design, use a template (or draw your own)
- Tape template to the pumpkin. Using an Awl or spike, poke holes around the design's outlines.
- Remove template; and
- Using the holes as a guide, carve details with a minature saw.
Once your pumpkin has been carved, you now have to decide on the best way to light it up!
To illuminate a carved pumpkin, string lights are preferable to candles for most designs as they are the safest method.
- Wrap a strand of 20 lights around a glass jar, and secure wires with tape; and
- Cut a hole in the hollowed-out pumpkin for th ecord, and place jar inside.
- Make sure you unplug the lights before leaving the house or going to sleep.
- If you're using a candle, make sure you place it in a glass or votive holder, and cut a hole in the back of the pumpkin for ventilation (or leave the top off).
- Battery operated candles are another good alternative.
Check out www.thepartypeople.ie for all your Halloween decorations!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Top 5 Halloween Songs for your party

- Monster Mash by Bobby Pickett;
- Ballroom Blitz by Sweet;
- Ghostbusters by Ray Parker Jr;
- Thriller by Michael Jackson;
- The Addams Family by Vic Mizzy.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Party Ideas - Party Games
Here are some great ideas for children’s party games to keep your kid's entertained:

Whether you are hosting an adult or children’s indoor or outdoor party, the piñata party game is bound to be a highlight of the party. It’s a great fun party game. Normally, the traditional piñata game as described below is played as an outdoor party game. The exception is when the party area is a large garage, auditorium, or other indoor facility of appropriate size. If your party game area is limited to indoors, we suggest you look at our pull piñata range.
1. First, make sure you have everything needed to play the party game, such as a rope/string, a place from where you´re going to suspend the piñata (such as a tree branch, a basketball hoop, two adults holding ends of a rope with a piñata hanging in middle, etc.), pic n mix and/or favours (can include large confetti), a piñata buster stick and blindfolds for the participants.
2. Fill the piñata with the goodies before guests arrive at the party, so that they won´t know what surprises are inside.
3. Before the game commences, you may use the piñata as a festive centrepiece. When you’re ready to begin the party game, take the piñata and hang it from the designated place

5. For safety´s sake, while a child is hitting the piñata during the game, all other children must be kept away from the hitter. Furthermore, the child should have completely ceased to hit the piñata before you allow the other children to go grab the goodies spilled on floor. This safety instruction is of utmost importance and cannot be emphasized enough.
6. Allow each child to hit the piñata at least a couple of times before you move on to the next child.
To make the piñata party game even more fun, the piñata must be swung up and down, and guests must be encouraged to misdirect the piñata hitter (if the piñata is down, tell the hitter the piñata is up, etc).
Hopscotch is a wonderful hopping game that can be played on a bare patch of ground or on a floor indoors. There are hundreds of variations of the diagram that can be drawn. Use your favourite version to have children play.
Use chalk to draw a hopscotch pattern on the ground or use masking tape on a floor. Create a diagram with 8 sections and number them. Each player has a marker such as a stone, beanbag, bottle cap, shell, button, etc.
The first player stands behind the starting line to toss her or his marker in square 1. Hop over square 1 to square 2 and then continue hopping to square 8, turn around, and hop back again. Pause in square 2 to pick up the marker, hop in square 1, and out. Then continue by tossing the stone in square 2. All hopping is done on one foot unless the hopscotch design is such that two squares are side-by-side. Then two feet can be placed down with one in each square. A player must always hop over any square where a maker has been placed.
A player is out if the marker fails to land in the proper square, the hopper steps on a line, the hopper looses balance when bending over to pick up the marker and puts a second hand or foot down, the hopper goes into a square where a marker is, or if a player puts two feet down in a single box. The player puts the marker in the square where he or she will resume playing on the next turn, and the next player begins.

This is a very good old game, and is most amusing if you can find someone who is a good story-teller. The players sit in a circle and every one, except the story-teller, takes the name of some part of a coach or its equipments; for instance, door, step, wheels, reins, box seat, and so on. When all are ready, the story-teller begins a tale about an old coach and what happened to it, how it went on a journey, came to grief, was mended, and started off again. The story should be told fluently, but not too quickly. Every time any part of the coach is mentioned, the player who has taken that name must rise from his seat and then sit down again. Whenever “the coach” is mentioned, all the players, with the exception of the storyteller, must rise. Anyone who fails to keep these rules must pay a forfeit.

Simon Says
Seat yourselves in a circle and choose one of the company to be the leader, or Simon. His duty is to order all sorts of different things to be done, the funnier the better, which must be obeyed only when the order begins with “Simon says.” As, for instance, “Simon says: ‘Thumbs up!’” which, of course, all obey; then perhaps comes: “Thumbs down!” which should not be obeyed, because the order did not commence with “Simon says.” Each time this rule is forgotten a forfeit must be paid. “Hands over eyes,” “Stamp the right foot,” “Pull the left ear,” etc., are the kind of orders to be given.

One player is chosen to be Mr Wolf. Mr Wolf then stands with his back to the others, who advance one step at a time towards him from a reasonable distance. At each step, one member of the advancing group shouts, .What’s the time, Mr Wolf? The wolf gives the time and the group takes another step forward. At a moment of his choosing Mr Wolf may, instead of giving the time, shout the reply .Dinner Time... He then turns round quickly and chase after the other players. The player who is caught becomes Mr Wolf.
This is a ball game for a group of players, aged 5 - 10.

Players stand in a circle, and one player is chosen to stand in the centre. A ball is then thrown from player to player, with the aim of keeping the ball away from the player in the middle. The player in the middle tries to intercept the ball and may win by touching it at any time, even if one of the other players is holding it, or it falls outside the circle. Whoever makes the mistake that allows the player in the middle to touch the ball then replaces the player in the middle of the circle. The game can continue until either all players have had a turn in the middle, or for a specified length of time. The winner may be the person who holds out the longest, or who did not make a mistake and go into the middle of the circle.
This game is suitable for a group of players, aged 5+ and requires chairs and something to play the music on.

The players stand in the middle of the circle and, when the music starts, all dance around (or dance around the chairs if they have been placed back to back). When the music stops, each player tries to sit on a seat. The player left without a seat is out. One chair is then removed and the music is restarted. The last person to stay in the game is the winner.
Players dance around the room to music. When the music stops, the players immediately stop dancing and stand as still as statues. Any player who is seen moving is out. The music is started again fairly quickly and play continues. Players who are out can help to spot moving statues. The last player to remain is the winner.

• Newspaper is the best thing to wrap in - it´s cheap and it is usually lying around the house. Brown paper is also good. If you want to be really fancy, use dollar store gift wrap as the paper is only going to be ripped without consideration. Tissue paper is not good because it is too fragile and will tear as the players pass it around.

• Wrap the first layer in one design of wrapping paper, and the next layer with a different colour or pattern.
• For young children (ages 3 - 10), always try to ensure that the music stops at least once for each child so that they each have a turn. This will ensure that they feel the game has been fair.
• Younger children will soon catch on to the fact that hanging onto the parcel might increase their chances of getting to unwrap a layer. Avoid this by explaining at the beginning that that is not allowed (and for very young children, you will need to keep explaining) and by encouraging them to move the parcel along with cries and cheers. If all else fails, simply refuse to allow that child to have more than one turn.
And remember, now that you've saved so much money on your party entertainment, you'll be able to splash out on balloons and decorations for www.thepartypeople.ie. Don't forget about our free delivery to Bailieborough and Kingscourt towns!!
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